Our friendly team is at your disposal to help you.info@komplement.travel
Because we are globally connected and work with people from all continents, we are a
#homeoffice company.
General Questions
1Who are the programs aimed at?
Students and young professionals from 18 to 40 years from around the world who want to gain international work experience and are motivated to learn about other cultures. If you don't have experience, don't worry, we have programs for you!
2Are you an employment agency, and do you have job vacancies?
No, we are not an employment agency. We provide high-value programs with a customized service to find the best experience for you, and, therefore, there is a fee associated to each one.
3In which companies could I develop my experience?
We have partnerships with many host companies. The one that can confirm a vacancy for you will depend on the one that can host you during your intended traveling period, and in your chosen career field(s). Our companies have high prestige, an excellent level and willingness to offer you the best possible experience.
4 I am a parent. Will my child be in good hands?
For us, the well-being and safety of your child are essential. We have already had this experience, so we understand your concerns and those of your child. We also know that these are life-enriching experiences, so we strive your child and will do everything possible to fulfill their dreams. We have been careful in selecting our partners. Before making the initial deposit of the program, we specify all the requirements, conditions, and prices in a contract so that you can make the decision with all the tranquility and security that it deserves.
We invite you to read the section Information for Parents made exclusively for you.
We invite you to read the section Information for Parents made exclusively for you.
5Can I do a program in the country where I live?
No. But for a powerful reason: what we seek most is to inspire you to go beyond your limits and dare to have a new and different experience. We already lived it! and knowing other landscapes and cities, meeting people from around the world, and developing in a culturally diverse company, is a tremendous and unforgettable learning experience. Adding value to your life and to the world is our mission, and that is why we will strive to achieve it!
We invite you to review the destinations we have available... dare to travel! We help you!
We invite you to review the destinations we have available... dare to travel! We help you!
Programs and Application Process
1Which program is best for me?
You must define your interests, what you are looking for, where and for how long. In each program you will find all the necessary information. Contact us to help you!
2What is the difference between an Internship, Placement and Job?
Our Internship programs refer to the training period that students must complete in a company in order to obtain their professional degree. The Placement programs are aimed at students or professionals who already have a degree and are looking for an international experience. Our Job programs have a longer duration and are also aimed at students and young professionals.
3Why do I have to pay? What do the fees include?
We offer programs that allow you to gain work experience while living cultural exchange experiences abroad. We do quite a bit of administrative work to find the ideal position according to your interests, career ambitions and availability. We also ensure that the host company is fully committed to providing you integral learning opportunities. Fees also include our guidance and personalized service for your application to be successful, and your experience one of the best of your life. Remember that the initial interview to solve doubts and find the best program for you is free of charge.
4Why don't all programs offer stipend?
There are legal and immigration issues that would make your application more complex if stipend were offered. We want to make things simple and offer you life-enriching experiences, but some aspects must be given up. In these cases, however, our host companies are committed to giving you accommodation and meals for the duration of your stay.
5 How is the application process?
- Contact Komplement, free of charge, to tell us your interests and answer your questions.
- If you are suitable for our programs and decide to embark on this adventure, we confirm your registration with a deposit and begin the search for your experience among our host companies, according to your preferences.
- Once found, you will have an interview with them, and if all goes well, and you like what they offer you, your place is reserved after paying the corresponding fee and… your adventure begins!
- Check our programs for more details.
Payments and Refunds
1How is the payment system?
If you decide to enroll in one of our programs, we proceed with your registration, making an initial deposit payment, which will allow our team the search for your experience. Then, after the confirmation of a position in one of our host companies, your place is reserve once paying the remaining fee (discounting what has already been paid).
in the case of United States, payment is made in 12 installments. The first installment is paid once the contract is signed with the host company, and the rest while you are living your adventure in the country, it will be deducted month by month from your bank account that our agents will open for you so that your salary can be paid.
2What happens if I change my mind and I have already paid the deposit or the full fee?
We understand that this can happen. If you decide not to continue with the application process before a place is confirmed for you, your deposit will be saved for when you can resume your planned program or another program, or it can be even transferred to another applicant. If you decide not to travel once a position is confirmed, the deposit benefits described above cannot be applied and, if you have already paid the remaining fee, it cannot be refunded because our objective with you to find you a host company has already been fulfilled and the company has made a place available for you.