

Why Chile?

Chile is the longest country in the world, stretching from the driest desert on the planet to the immense glaciers of southern Patagonia, still preserving some of the most pristine landscapes. Its culture and gastronomy vary according to geographical conditions. Its cosmopolitan capital invites you to lose yourself in the bars and cafes, admiring the imposing mountains that surround the city. Famous for its wines and recognized as one of the top destinations for adventure tourism, it can give you a unique combination of fun and enriching experiences.

“Iorana, Iorana” and a necklace of flowers welcome you to the exotic and mysterious Easter Island. Famous for its stone giants, the majestic Moais, whose mission is to protect the islanders. This remote place invites you to let yourself be carried away by the magic and charm of its natural landscapes, the beautiful sunsets, its ancestral culture, the solitude of its roads, and its fantastic marine cuisine.

Best time to visit

Due to its extended geography, it is possible to visit it at any time of the year. If you want to have your experience in Patagonia, it is best to travel from October to March, the spring and summer months, when it is less rainy. June to August are the coldest months but ideal for the northern desert. Easter Island can be visited year-round, with the most tourist activity going in December to February.

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