Would you like to have an international experience? You don't dare to or don't know how to do it?
Based on our own experience, we believe that being in another country with a different culture and meeting people with other traditions stimulates countless skills and promotes learning of high value for life.

We understand what it means to have a new and unfamiliar yet entertaining and stimulating experience like this one. We lived it the same way when we ventured years ago. So, we understand your feelings and want to inspire you to make your dreams come true. We are genuinely passionate about helping you fulfill them and will strive to make you live one of the best experiences of your life.
Go ahead and be a Kotraveler! We'll help you!
We seek to unleash the potential of every human being in a fun way.

We want to inspire people to expand their -own- borders through, unique and unforgettable international learning and cultural exchange experiences, so that they can enrich their lives, and that of others, even more.
Our Goal
To spread the passion of what we believe in and be an increasingly close, global, and distinctive brand that creates a positive social impact.
We aspire to make our programs accessible so that as many people as possible can enjoy this amazing life experience and together we can make a difference.
Our Values

Commitment to the world and institutions involved
We contribute to the economy of each country
that we work with and promote a cultural exchange that enhances the lives of all.
that we work with and promote a cultural exchange that enhances the lives of all.
We enrich the organizational culture
of our host companies through the contributions of our Kotravelers. At the same time, they are committed to offering the most complete learning opportunities possible.
of our host companies through the contributions of our Kotravelers. At the same time, they are committed to offering the most complete learning opportunities possible.
We seek a global benefit
by encouraging educational entities, guilds, and organizations to help us offer this opportunity to their students, members, or clients, offering special discounts.
by encouraging educational entities, guilds, and organizations to help us offer this opportunity to their students, members, or clients, offering special discounts.
Your contribution
After this experience, you will have a broader vision of the world. You will acquire more understanding and social empathy, cultural intelligence, and global thinking. Your flexibility and creativity will be stimulated. You will be able to share all this self-learning with your environment, raising social awareness and openness to change and innovation.
Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone had access to this life learning experience? We invite you to join us so that together we can achieve it.